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Większość artykułów w portalu to nasze własne teksty z kluczowych dziedzin związanych z naszą misją. Spora część materiałów pochodzi też z polskiej wersji Wikipedii, gdzie były odrzucone ze względu na politykę redaktorów (przeczytaj o krytyce Wikipedii). Są też i takie, które zostały przeniesione na nasze strony, gdyż stanowią istotne uzupełnienie merytorycznej treści naszego serwisu. Wszystkie artykuły podlegają edycji przez naszych Użytkowników, dlatego ich wersje mogą się różnić od prezentowanych na innych witrynach.

Moduł:Message box/configuration

Z Wedapedia
< Moduł:Message box
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Dokumentacja dla tego modułu może zostać utworzona pod nazwą Moduł:Message box/configuration/opis

--                          Message box configuration                         --
--                                                                            --
-- This module contains configuration data for [[Module:Message box]].        --

return {
	ambox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'ambox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'ambox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'ambox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'ambox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'ambox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'ambox-protection',
				image = 'Semi-protection-shackle-keyhole.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'ambox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default                     = 'notice',
		allowBlankParams            = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'},
		allowSmall                  = true,
		smallParam                  = 'left',
		smallClass                  = 'mbox-small-left',
		substCheck                  = true,
		classes                     = {'metadata', 'ambox'},
		imageEmptyCell              = true,
		imageCheckBlank             = true,
		imageSmallSize              = '20x20px',
		imageCellDiv                = true,
		useCollapsibleTextFields    = true,
		imageRightNone              = true,
		sectionDefault              = 'article',
		allowMainspaceCategories    = true,
		templateCategory            = 'Article message templates',
	        templateCategoryRequireName = true,
		templateErrorCategory       = 'Article message templates with missing parameters',
		templateErrorParamsToCheck  = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'},
		removalNotice               = '[[Help:Maintenance template removal|Learn how and when to remove this template message]]'
	cmbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'cmbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'cmbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'cmbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'cmbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'cmbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'cmbox-protection',
				image = 'Semi-protection-shackle-keyhole.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'cmbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'cmbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = true
	fmbox = {
		types = {
			warning = {
				class = 'fmbox-warning',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			editnotice = {
				class = 'fmbox-editnotice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
			system = {
				class = 'fmbox-system',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'system',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'fmbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = false,
		imageRightNone       = false
	imbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'imbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'imbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'imbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'imbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'imbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'imbox-protection',
				image = 'Semi-protection-shackle-keyhole.svg'
			license = {
				class = 'imbox-license licensetpl',
				image = 'Imbox license.png' -- @todo We need an SVG version of this
			featured = {
				class = 'imbox-featured',
				image = 'Cscr-featured.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'imbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'imbox'},
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		below                = true,
		templateCategory     = 'File message boxes'
	ombox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'ombox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'ombox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'ombox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'ombox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'ombox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'ombox-protection',
				image = 'Semi-protection-shackle-keyhole.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'ombox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'ombox'},
		allowSmall           = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		imageRightNone       = true
	tmbox = {
		types = {
			speedy = {
				class = 'tmbox-speedy',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			delete = {
				class = 'tmbox-delete',
				image = 'Ambox warning pn.svg'
			content = {
				class = 'tmbox-content',
				image = 'Ambox important.svg'
			style = {
				class = 'tmbox-style',
				image = 'Edit-clear.svg'
			move = {
				class = 'tmbox-move',
				image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg'
			protection = {
				class = 'tmbox-protection',
				image = 'Semi-protection-shackle-keyhole.svg'
			notice = {
				class = 'tmbox-notice',
				image = 'Information icon4.svg'
		default              = 'notice',
		showInvalidTypeError = true,
		classes              = {'tmbox'},
		allowSmall           = true,
		imageRightNone       = true,
		imageEmptyCell       = true,
		imageEmptyCellStyle  = true,
		templateCategory     = 'Talk message boxes'